In April it's autism awareness month. For the month of April I would like to recognize the people that have had an impact on me. It all started with Team Impact and UVM women's hockey. They have made such an impact on me. I go out with them and hey are really nice to me. I sometimes skate with them. When I joined the team in 2015 it changed my life from the connections I made with the team. They have accepted me since the day that I joined the team. I graduated in 2020 from team impact. They still include me by going into the locker room and checking up on me every time before games. … [Read more...]
We are thankful for…
We are grateful for all the individuals, organizations, and businesses that supported and recently welcomed two hockey teams, the East Coast Jumbos and SASA Special Hockey. These teams are part of the American Special Hockey Association (ASHA) which allows an opportunity for individuals with various disabilities to play hockey. We are forever thankful for SASA Hockey in St. Albans and the coaches John Boomhover, Luke Cioffi, John Cioffi and Jeff Rouleau. Four years ago they started a Special Hockey team to offer individuals with disabilities an opportunity to play hockey. Their dedication, patience, and sense of humor has allowed skaters of all abilities to enjoy the game of hockey. Even more important are the connections that have been made amongst the players, coaches, and the community. We are also thankful for the UVM athletic staff for welcoming the East Coast Jumbos & SASA Special Hockey team to watch the UVM … [Read more...]
Building Hope for Children
We are so excited to see the new non-profit, Building Hope for Children. Here is a little information about their vision and mission. "Why is a therapeutic residency needed in Vermont? The support services in Vermont are set up for children with mental health needs or medical needs not both. Building Hope for Children will be a therapeutic branch uniting both needs by providing a therapeutic community residence for these individuals and their families. Helping children with medical and mental health complexities thrive in their community by providing a therapeutic home for these children in Vermont." … [Read more...]
Inclusion & Inspiration Continues
We would like to thank UVM Women's Hockey, UVM athletic staff, and Hockey East for continuing to be a positive impact on individuals with disabilities. We love the acceptance, inclusion, and kindness that the hockey has provided to children. Through the lens of Kayla: Hi, I am here to talk about the seniors even though it is hard and difficult to say goodbye to the team you love and the campus you love. It is hard for me every year. Elice Murphy #11 I will miss your silliness, your laughs and I will miss you day and night. but always remember #11 and #21 always stick together. Blanka Skodova #31 I could have not done this year without you. You will be missed. you are the best role model for all the girls. and i could have not done it without you. follow your dreams become a Czech Republic goalie. Theresa Schafzahl #17 Even though we did not hang out a lot, I think that you are an … [Read more...]
The Yellow House Community
The inevitable question, what will happen to my daughter as she ages out of high school? As she becomes older, I begin to search out potential opportunities for her. I look at what her interests are, her skillset, and listen to what she wants to do. We have many years before she ages out of high school, but I am always trying to find programs that align with my daughter’s hopes, dreams, and potential. I was excited to find The Yellow House in Middlebury. The Yellow House Community (YHC) is a Therapeutic Community Residence that was established in 2019. Residents of YHC enjoy all-inclusive room, board, and enriching daytime programming and work support. YHC is inspired by the Camphill life-sharing community model. YHC provides residents with structured, purposeful days through household management, industry, and social/recreational opportunities both within YHC and the Middlebury Community. YHC celebrates the idea of … [Read more...]