Halloween can be a stressful time for many families who have a child with sensory difficulties. The American Occupational Therapy Association came up with some helpful tips in how to better prepare for the Halloween with your child. Click on this: 5 Tips for Helping Children with Halloween … [Read more...]
Bus #11
Since Kayla began the EEE (Essential Early Educational) program at Shelburne Community School she has been riding a bus. I quickly realized that taking a bus to school was a far easier transition for her rather than me driving her. For two years, she was on the EEE bus which only consisted of children in her class and it went well. Starting kindergarten was a whole new ball game. Not only did we have to create a new IEP, get acclimated to a new teacher, get accustomed to the “open classroom” concept, and deal with many more children; Kayla had to take a different bus with a new bus driver. This was going to be a big transition. Meet Pam, the driver of the special education bus. I am not sure how many kids she carries on the bus or how many para educators are riding along, but Pam is the one who gets Kayla to and from school without a problem. Having worked in many schools and hearing Kayla’s stories I have a general idea of … [Read more...]
Inclusion is top-notch at the Flynn Center for Performing Arts
Did you know that the Flynn Center for Performing Arts"works with 75 human and social service agencies to provide discounted tickets for their clients, host 38,000 studies who attend student matinees (7,300 attend free), and provide $30,000 in scholarships so everyone can participate in ongoing classes and camps"? Amazing! However, the Flynn also goes above and beyond by providing "Autism & Sensory Friendly" accommodations! This is what they say on their website: "The Flynn Center has been working diligently to break down barriers for audience members with disabilities, with a particular focus on those with sensory-sensitivities. Some students can find the break in routine caused by coming to a matinee to be very challenging and even upsetting. With the help of a local Special Educator, the Flynn has put together a “Flynn Social Story” to share with your students who may benefit from a little extra preparation for the trip. … [Read more...]
Adaptive equipment available in our community
Kayla's Directory's mission is to enrich the lives of Vermont’s special needs children through greater community involvement and increased access to developmental services and recreational activities. One way we achieve this is by purchasing adaptive equipment for local organizations and businesses so that children with special needs are able to more fully participate in their communities. We have provided a list of equipment that is available for children and families to access. Please pass this along! list of adaptive equipment … [Read more...]
Autism is like the weather…..
Donkey camp, Universal Studios, Disney World, Amelia Island, Flynn Center for Performing Arts camp, summer school, swimming, time with cousins, 5k races….and the list goes on. All these activities went pretty well. Don’t get me wrong, there were several bumps along the way, but we managed. It required a lot of being flexible, adjusting plans, deep breathing, hugs and tears, but we got through the little bumps. Now we have BIG bumps! Aggression, frustration, melt-downs, and a lot of fatigue. These are behaviors that I haven’t seen in a very long time. So we have reverted to staying inside and not venturing too far from home, going on runs together, and keeping the transitions to a minimum, trying to see if this will regulate Kayla. I am not going to waste my energy trying to see what is triggering these behaviors; I am just going to live in the moment and try to keep things simple for her. I know she will get over this bump … [Read more...]