Oakledge Universally Accessible Playground
The Universally Accessible Playground at Oakledge Park is underway with the hope of construction in 2019! This project is being spearheaded by P.E.A.S.E. (Play and Engage in Accessible Spaces for Everyone), a local committee under the umbrella of the non-profit, Vermont Division for Early Childhood. P.E.A.S.E. is partnering with the Burlington Parks and Recreation to replace the existing playground at Oakledge Park. The playground will be as barrier-free as possible, to include: raised play areas, accessible & inclusive equipment and surfacing, color contrast and texture, natural & quiet play spaces, musical and other sensory components, and areas to rest & come together as a community, while keeping in mind accessibility for children & adults. This playground will also act as a regional destination for Vermonters, as well as people from surrounding states and provinces. P.E.A.S.E. is working on fundraising $340,000 for the core playground, with the ultimate goal of raising $1,000,000 to include additional areas of play. Our website will be up in the next couple of months, and in the meantime, please contact Julia Wayne, P.E.A.S.E. Committee Leader at 802-338-7021 or juliamwayne@gmail.com for more information on how to get involved or visit https://enjoyburlington.com/oakledge-accessible-playground/ .
- Our last community input night is September 13th, 5:30 p.m. at the Burlington Parks and Recreation Department at 645 Pine St. in Burlington. Come hear about the project, meet the designers and provide feedback!