Wonder Moms is a project by three moms to share real talk, helpful information, and practical advice with parents of kids who have intellectual disabilities, Down syndrome, autism, language and speech delays, deafness, chronic illness, and traumatic brain injury.
They offer an incredible resource page, blog, and other great information.
Did you know there is an amazing resource readily available at your fingertips to provide you with information or support in raising your children? Help Me Grow Vermont is a statewide system for improving access to existing resources and services for prenatal parents and families with young children under the age of 8. The information they provide on their website or via phone is essential to the overall development of children and family support.
Their website offers very specific information regarding childhood development. From reaching milestones, social and emotional development, to managing challenging behaviors. Not only do they provide information for families and caregivers, they also offer valuable developmental monitoring and screening tools to health care providers, educators, and community service providers.
A great resource that lists many sensory friendly places to visit, camps, sport activities, travel information and more.
Vermont Family Network offers support and services for children with various disabilities. VFN is a resource for information about: Advocacy and Leadership, Disabilities or Special Health Needs, General and Special Education, and Transition to Adulthood. They also have limited funding opportunities for families.
The WillPower Foundation provides financial support that empowers Western Massachusetts families and individuals with different abilities to meet their unique needs.