This center is held at the CDCI (Center of Disability and Community Inclusion). It offers adaptive devices or software programs that helps people with all types of disabilities in order to assist them in being more independent at school, home, or in their community. They have many devices that are available for people to try out.

This is an online library digital book resource for people with print disabilities. Any child from grades K-12 who is on an IEP or 504 with a visual, physical or learning/reading disability can use this site for free. It does have to be linked to your child’s school. Ask your child’s special educator about this amazing resource!

Voice offers evaluations, consultations, and trainings around Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). Julie Taylor, the director of Voice, has extensive experience working with kids with all types of disabilities. She evaluates, consults and provides trainings throughout the states of Vermont and New Hampshire with device users, with their families, with their educational teams and with other agencies.