These are groups that are held which allows children and/or families to connect with one another.

Friends on the Go supports children who have difficulty with social relationships and wish to connect with others. This group hopes to support kids ages four and older who have social challenges and wish to make friends in a low stress environment. Monthly or bi-monthly outings will be scheduled to local destinations such as Wildflower Studio, Petra Cliffs, Spare Time and more! Descriptions of each event will include cost, age range, noise level, etc. so families can choose the activities that best fit their needs. Age appropriate siblings are invited to join in as well!
Activities are listed on Event Calendar as well as Facebook.

Building Bright Futures offers a lot of playgroups throughout the state of Vermont. They facilitate free, weekly playgroups for families and caregivers with children birth to age five and provide large and small motor activities, gym time, crafts, stories, and manipulatives. These groups are a wonderful way to connect with other families and find out other events that are going on in the community.
Check out their new summer hour playgroups at

Social Adventure Group supports young adults ages 18-29 who have difficulty with social relationships and wish to connect with others. We have a general meeting the 4th Thursday of each month at Vt. Family Network, 600 Blair Park Road, suite 240, south entrance (facing the Superstore) 6:30-8:30pm. The members plan events and play games at the meetings. Some of the events include: movies, dinner, comedy, game nights at people’s homes, theater, biking, Church Street, Anime, mini golf, rock climbing, and more. New members always welcome.