Friends on the Go supports children who have difficulty with social relationships and wish to connect with others. This group hopes to support kids ages four and older who have social challenges and wish to make friends in a low stress environment. Monthly or bi-monthly outings will be scheduled to local destinations such as Wildflower Studio, Petra Cliffs, Spare Time and more! Descriptions of each event will include cost, age range, noise level, etc. so families can choose the activities that best fit their needs. Age appropriate siblings are invited to join in as well!
Activities are listed on Event Calendar as well as Facebook.

ONTA Studio offers martial arts for children and adults of all ages. The owners, Zach Stevens and Lauren Ballard, have extensive experience working with children of all abilities. They chose to open Over Nine Thousand Academy as a place where both kids and adults could come to learn rare Taoist practices as well as integrated martial arts, fitness, and self-defense in a fun, playful, and supportive environment.

Join UVM’s Ballet Viridis Ballet Company in a dance workshop for children with disabilities. The first half of the program will consist of simple warm ups and movement, while the second half will be focused on choreography and improvisation. Every child will be paired with a company member who can tailor movements to their specific needs with the goal of helping every child discover the joys of dance. This class happens several times a month during the school year.

Shelburne Craft School offers after school programs, summer programs, and workshops throughout the year. They do a fantastic job at including all abilities in their studio. They have a table top pottery wheel for individuals to use and offer headphones for children who are sensitive to noise. It’s definitely a fun place to go and be creative!

Kayla’s Directory is partnering with Cochran’s Ski Area to enable 6 children with special needs to participate in the “Spectacular Ski Program.” The class will begin Sunday, January 7, 2018 and run for 6 consecutive weeks. Each class will begin at 9:00 a.m. and end by 10:10 a.m. Each skier will be matched with a local high school student or community mentor to ensure their success on the mountain.

Individual, 30-minute lessons for people with physical or developmental needs. Students work one-on-one with an instructor. An application must be completed two weeks prior to lesson start date.

An incredible 2 week camp that is run through the Stern Center for children that want to enhance their social skills. The camp helps children navigate their way in social situations through direct teaching, coaching, and practice to learn the fundamental building blocks of social success.

Camp Kaleidoscope is a summer camp for families who have a child on the autism spectrum. It is for the WHOLE family to enjoy. We have been going for the past four years but unfortunately our child has aged out. I can’t tell you how freeing it is to spend four days in the mountains (Starksboro, VT) with other families who get it. You never have to apologize for your child, you never have the feeling of embarrassment and you get to witness your child making connections. Every family is paired with a “Family Partner”, generally college students from the Boston area. In the mornings, all kids go to “Kidville” where they can choose from a myriad of choices. Adults can go off by themselves and hike, sleep, read, connect with other adults doing a craft or attend a workshop. After lunch, there is time for rest or a quiet movie in the clubhouse. Then there are activities for the whole family such a huge water slide or swimming at the pond. After dinner, there might be a talent show or a dance party or a bonfire. All meals are provided and are absolutely delicious (local, fresh & vegetarian but things such as hot dogs and chicken nuggets are available). We have chosen to stay in a cabin for all four years (we requested the same one every year and loved it!) but there are other more comfy accommodations if you choose.

Camp Rainbow is a summer day camp run by NCSS for children with ASD or DD. The idea of the camp is to provide “a typical summer camp experience – fun activities, outdoor play, swimming, crafts, singing, friendships. Such an experience is not always available to children with these diagnoses due to cognitive, physical, and behavioral challenges.
The camp runs from 8:30-2:30 for several weeks. For more information click here: Camp Rainbow

CHAMP at Good Hope Farm offers group or individual therapeutic lessons Monday thru Saturday. CHAMP serves individuals with physical, emotional, behavior and cognitive challenges. Each rider progresses according to his or her own skill and comfort level. A horse leader and up to two side-walkers are available to be with the rider as needed.
CHAMP also has a wonderful summer camp option for riders of all abilities age 6 and up.

Essex Cinema offers “Sensory Friendly” movies throughout the year. They turn the sound down, keep the lights up, and let individuals move and talk as during the movie. These are a wonderful way for children to enjoy a movie in a stress-free environment.
Check out their latest movies: Sensory Friendly Movies

This is a wonderful organizations that promotes the arts for individuals with any disability. Through education, trainings, programs, and exhibits they offer a variety of opportunities to enhance the magic of art to all individuals.

Social Adventure Group supports young adults ages 18-29 who have difficulty with social relationships and wish to connect with others. We have a general meeting the 4th Thursday of each month at Vt. Family Network, 600 Blair Park Road, suite 240, south entrance (facing the Superstore) 6:30-8:30pm. The members plan events and play games at the meetings. Some of the events include: movies, dinner, comedy, game nights at people’s homes, theater, biking, Church Street, Anime, mini golf, rock climbing, and more. New members always welcome.

Equine Therapy Program is up and running, at Lily Bud Farm in Hinesburg, VT. They currently offer lessons on Wednesday and Sunday mornings for children under 150 lbs.
A scholarship program for students who need financial assistance is available. Qualifying students can take a lesson for $25 instead of $45.

This is an amazing program for individuals who have a diagnosis of autism.
1) Children & adults do need a diagnosis of Autism.
2) They can live anywhere! We have folks come from NY!
3) No membership at the Y is required
4) A few different options in terms of age. If they’re over 3 years old we look at the 6 private swim lessons, one-on-one with an instructor
The grant will cover 6 private swim lessons (30 minutes each) OR if they’re under the age of 3 I look at integrating them into our parent/child program with a caregiver from home in the water with them.
They offers six 1/2 hour swim lessons for free if your child has ASD. After six sessions, you can take private lessons for $30.00 per 1/2 hour.