Dear Community Members,
I’m pleased to announce that registration is now open for CSB Youth Hockey’s Special Hockey Program that will be starting this Fall.
The mission of this program is to enrich the lives of individuals with intellectual, developmental & physical disabilities through increasing players’ personal development and self-confidence on and off the ice with a focus on:
- Having Fun
- Learning Teamwork
- Building Friendships
- Increasing Physical Activity
While CSB primarily serves the towns of South Burlington, Charlotte, Hinesburg, St. George, Shelburne and Williston, our Special Hockey program is open to players throughout the Chittenden County area and we are excited to be adding another program in Northern Vermont along with the St. Albans Special Hockey Program that has been in place for a number of years.
Financial assistance is available and loaner equipment will be made available upon request.
More information and the registration process can be found HERE.
Please let me know if you have any questions and please feel free to forward this information to anyone that might be interested in this new program.
Best regards,