I talked to a father the other day whose child is 21 years old and on the autism spectrum. This father told me about the many challenges that they have already faced as a family and the challenges that might lie ahead. But the part of our conversation that resonated most was the importance of connections and community, both for the child and for the family.
So here I was a few Tuesday’s ago out on a trial bike ride with Kayla when we ran into a family I had come to know several years ago. I told them what I was doing and they willingly offered me their deluxe Chariot bike trailer/jogger for the race. I took them up on their offer and picked up the Chariot. This all happened because of a connection.
But this is more than a simple connection. Megan and Tyler Barnes run Crossfit Threshold in South Burlington. Crossfit is an intense exercise program that has taken off nationally and internationally. You might think that Crossfit is only about a WOD (workout of the day) or how many wall balls, burpees, or pushups you can do in a minute, but what I took out of the Barnes’ Crossfit was its sense of community.
The people that participate at Crossfit Threshold are part of a strong community. Whether they are offering support during their WOD, hanging out after their workout, having a barbeque with one another, or giving back to the community in some way, they are a cohesive group. This cohesiveness and community comes back to Tyler and Megan. Their strong and dedicated work ethics have allowed for this tight community to form at Crossfit. But more importantly, their compassion, empathy, integrity, and readiness to help others is remarkable.
Whether or not a person is a member of their program, Megan and Tyler are dedicated to improving their life. Whether that improvement comes in the form of achieving an athletic goal, overcoming an obstacle, lending a stroller, or simply offering advice, they both are genuine people. So thank you Megan and Tyler for bring a huge smile to Kayla’s face as we swam and biked our first triathlon together! It was an incredible experience which was allowed to occur because of a strong community and a helping hand!
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The importance of family
The importance of family
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Magnificent Mothers
Magnificent Mothers