While Kayla and I watched the documentary, Magnolia’s Hope, we talked about the similarities and differences between her and Magnolia. Over the break, Kayla showed me a piece of writing that she worked on with her Special Educator. Here is her reflection of Magnolia’s Hope.
I recently watched Magnolia’s Hope. It is about a girl with Rett syndrome. She is 10 years old and she uses a Tobii to talk. She controls the tobii with her eyes.👀
I don’t have Rett syndrome but I have a genetic mutation on the same gene as Rett. What rett syndrome is a genetic neurological disorder. Most boys have it worse and it is rare for them to have it. I feel so lucky that I can talk and walk. My Mom and Dad said how lucky they were that I was talking and walking when I was two.
I was on a program that takes in kids with life-threatening illnesses called Team Impact. Even though I graduated from the UVM Women’s hockey team last year I still feel like I’m part of it. The reason why I’m talking about this is because it takes in kids with rett syndrome. It helps kids like Magnolia to get out more and to have a lot of fun. I am inspired by Magnolia.