If you’ve been around the Burlington, South Burlington, or UVM area, you’ve likely seen hats or t-shirts that say Big Willy Style. Our household has numerous t-shirts from Big Willy Style and I recently purchased some winter hats. Not only are the t-shirts of highest quality, but the winter hats are so warm that my head was nice and toasty even during our recent sub-zero days. But there is far more to Big Willy Style than the amazing clothing brand.
Big Willy Style is inspired by a special needs athlete with an enormous love of sports. Will is an amazing young boy who has a passion for sports. Although Will is unable to compete with his peers athletically, he is always at sporting events supporting his teams. Whether he is watching his siblings or peers participate in sport at South Burlington or supporting the teams at UVM, his love of sports is abundantly clear.
Along with providing a clothing awareness brand, Big Willy Style started the Special Talents Adaptive Recreation (STAR) basketball program six years ago. The Capano family started the 6-week STAR basketball program for children ages 4-21. This program matches special needs athletes with youth volunteers for one on one basketball instruction and fun. They currently have 30-35 individuals enrolled in this incredible program.
The Capanos created Big Willy Style brand as a “fun way to celebrate Will and try to help other athletes facing various physical, emotional and intellectual challenges because at Big Willy Style we believe that all athletes are created equally”! A portion of the proceeds from their clothing line supports adaptive sport programs.
Big Willy Style graciously donated to Kayla’s Directory. Kayla’s Directory is grateful to have Big Willy Style support our adaptive sport programs. So next time you want a really warm hat, cool baseball hat, or comfortable sport t-shirt, go purchase Big Willy Style. Not only will you look great, you will bring awareness to and support a great cause!