Donkey camp, Universal Studios, Disney World, Amelia Island, Flynn Center for Performing Arts camp, summer school, swimming, time with cousins, 5k races….and the list goes on. All these activities went pretty well. Don’t get me wrong, there were several bumps along the way, but we managed. It required a lot of being flexible, adjusting plans, deep breathing, hugs and tears, but we got through the little bumps.
Now we have BIG bumps! Aggression, frustration, melt-downs, and a lot of fatigue. These are behaviors that I haven’t seen in a very long time. So we have reverted to staying inside and not venturing too far from home, going on runs together, and keeping the transitions to a minimum, trying to see if this will regulate Kayla.
I am not going to waste my energy trying to see what is triggering these behaviors; I am just going to live in the moment and try to keep things simple for her. I know she will get over this bump and we will come out the other side stronger.
The thing is, autism is like the weather. You can have some beautiful days which last for weeks, and then some days are cloudy and things are out of sorts, and then there are storms (which we hope only last a few days because those are awful). The storms take all the joy out of the day, they kill your energy level, and they make you feel sad. Sad because your child is struggling and can’t express why, sad because you are tapped with your patience level, and sad because you don’t know how to help your child.
But I remind myself of all the funny “bubble thoughts” Kayla is not supposed to say, her laughter when she is having fun, the joy she experiences doing certain activities, the love she shares with others, and her resiliency in overcoming many of the obstacles that she faces. Tomorrow is a new day, and we are hoping the weather will be beautiful for the next few weeks!