Today concluded our first Mini-milers program. For the past six weeks, fifteen children with various disabilities gathered together to run laps around a track with fifteen or more high school mentors assisting and encouraging them each step of the way. Over the month and a half, every child increased the distance they covered and the group collectively improved from 123 laps the first week to 161 laps today. The courage, strength, and resiliency these kids show is Olympic and inspiring.
After the final steps on the track were taken, each child received a medal and a certificate of completion from Run Vermont and Kayla’s Directory to bring home. We concluded the session as usual with the children sitting in a circle to receive a well-earned and eagerly anticipated snack. As a special treat this week, Leonardo’s generously donated several delicious pizzas which the children consumed with great delight. We cannot thank them enough from having our last day end with something so good!
As the children exited the gym with certificates and medals in tow, a big smile came to my face. The mission of Kayla’s Directory is helping children participate in local events that will have a positive impact on them, their families and the greater community as a whole through accessing appropriate programs. With the help of some generous donors and numerous volunteers, Kayla’s Directory was proud to be able to bring this Mini-milers program to the community and plans to continue to provide similar type programs in the future.