6 1/2 years ago, you were diagnosed with autism. Two years later you were diagnosed with a genetic mutation on the MECP2 chromosome. During these last 6 ½ years, you have taught me so much. There have been times of sadness, times of frustration, and days where I worry about what the future holds for you. But when I look at all the amazing things you have taught me, the connections you have made, and the joy you provide every day, I am grateful that you have some neurological differences.
Because of you, I have learned to be more patient. Because of you, my executive functioning skills have improved. Because of you, I have made wonderful connections with people in our community. And because of you, I cherish and appreciate the little things in our lives that many people take for granted.
Your silliness and quirkiness make me laugh. Your determination to master things that are difficult for you makes me proud. Your ability to show compassion towards others brings me joy. Your perseverance and positive outlook on life makes me appreciate how your brain works a little differently than others. You are an amazing individual who brightens my world every single day.